Airgeddon es una herramienta para Linux especialmente diseñada para realizar auditorias WiFi. Con esta herramienta podremos administrar los modos de las interfaces de red, capturar handshakes y PMKID, realizar ataques como Evil Twin, crackear offline los hashes obtenidos mediante ataques por diccionario, fuerza bruta o basados en reglas y mucho más. A continuación, se muestra la lista detallada que se encuentra en GitHub y el enlace a la aplicación.
is an alive project growing day by day. This is the list of features so far:
- Interface mode switcher (Monitor-Managed) keeping selection even on interface name changing
- DoS over wireless networks using different methods (mdk3, mdk4, aireplay-ng). «DoS Pursuit mode» available to avoid AP channel hopping (available also on DoS performed on Evil Twin attacks)
- Full support for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands
- Assisted WPA/WPA2 personal networks Handshake file and PMKID capturing
- Cleaning and optimizing Handshake captured files
- Offline password decrypting on WPA/WPA2 captured files for personal networks (Handshakes and PMKIDs) using dictionary, bruteforce and rule based attacks with aircrack, crunch and hashcat tools. Enterprise networks captured password decrypting based on john the ripper, crunch, asleap and hashcat tools.
- Evil Twin attacks (Rogue AP)
- Only Rogue/Fake AP mode to sniff using external sniffer (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS)
- Simple integrated sniffing (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Ettercap)
- Integrated sniffing, sslstrip2 (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Bettercap)
- Integrated sniffing, sslstrip2 and BeEF Browser Exploitation Framework (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Bettercap + BeEF)
- Captive portal with «DNS blackhole» to capture wifi passwords (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Dnsspoff + Lighttpd)
- Optional MAC spoofing for all Evil Twin attacks
- WPS features
- WPS scanning (wash). Self parameterization to avoid «bad fcs» problem
- Custom PIN association (bully and reaver)
- Pixie Dust attacks (bully and reaver)
- Bruteforce PIN attacks (bully and reaver)
- Null PIN attack (reaver)
- Known WPS PINs attack (bully and reaver), based on online PIN database with auto-update
- Integration of the most common PIN generation algorithms (ComputePIN, EasyBox, Arcadyan, etc.)
- Offline PIN generation and the possibility to search PIN results on database for a target
- Parameterizable timeouts for all attacks
- Enterprise networks attacks
- Fake AP using «smooth» and «noisy» modes capturing enterprise hashes and plain passwords
- Custom certificates creation
- WEP All-in-One attack (combining different techniques: Chop-Chop, Caffe Latte, ARP Replay, Hirte, Fragmentation, Fake association, etc.)
- Compatibility with many Linux distributions (see Requirements section)
- Easy targeting and selection in every section
- Drag and drop files on console window for entering file paths or autocomplete using tab key on every path input for easier use
- Dynamic screen resolution detection and windows auto-sizing for optimal viewing
- Controlled Exit. Cleaning tasks and temp files. Restoring nftables/iptables after an attack that require changes on them. Option to keep monitor mode if desired on exit
- Multilanguage support and autodetect OS language feature (see Supported Languages section)
- Help hints in every zone/menu for easy use
- Auto-update. Script checks for newer version if possible
- Docker image for easy and quick container deployment. Use already built image on Docker Hub or build your own
- Http proxy auto detection for updates
- Wayland graphic system supported (not only X window system)
- Tmux support for headless (systems without X window) environments
- Multiple configurable options based on fallback substitution variables options system which allow to configure many enhancements like enable/disable colors, 5Ghz band, auto updates, hint printing, etc.
- Full compatibility with iptables and nftables with autodetection and possibility to force iptables by setting an option
- Available plugins system to let the community create their own content in an easy and flexible way using the created function hooking system. More info at Plugins System section